25. October – 23. November 2024
Opening: 24 october from 6pm
alfredo aceto, lilian bourgeat, hugo capron, natacha donzé, orson egloff, thierry feuz, maya hottarek, didier marcel, mathieu mercier, léopold rabus, annelies štrba
We are pleased to present the upcoming group exhibition “QUAE EST IN NATURA” in our gallery in Zurich. We welcome you to the opening on the 24th of October at 6 pm. The exhibition will be open from 25th of October to the 23rd of November 2024.
“QUAE EST IN NATURA” is a homage to nature. On display are works that incorporate nature and its components in various ways. Nature is put in a position vis-à-vis the works produced by the artists. The natural is juxtaposed with the artificially created, whereby together they enter a dialogue that raises questions about the origin, the present and the future.
thursday 24 october, from 6 pm
25 october – 23 november 2024
opening hours
wed – fri 11 am – 6 pm
sat 11 am – 5 pm
galerie lange + pult
rämistrasse 27
8001 zurich